Carrageenan As Radiation Dose Indicators?

Why do people ask these extremely difficult questions here. Have you seen the typical questions, answers, spelling, smart-asses, arguments and basically “people with no lives” who exist in this realm”. Wouldn’t you be more likely to get a meaningful answer by going to the library and doing a small modicum of research on the subject at hand or better yet going to a professor at the local university to ask your seemingly impossible to answer. It seems like you are one of the smartest people on the planet or just making this crap up. Either way there is no possible way for 99.9% of the cretins who visit this website to understand the vocabulary of you question let alone give you a coherent answer. therefore…… I would give you this answer;
All forms of carrageenan including kelp, agar and expectorants should be avoided during radiation treatments. the dosages of radiation should not vary from the original prognosis. therefore you question is mute.